These symptoms indicate that your body lacks vitamins


1, mouth broken, angular keratitis - lack of vitamin B2

The recommended daily intake of vitamin B2 is about 1.3 mg for men and 1.1 mg for women. When there are cracks or irritated holes around the mouth, it is due to the lack of vitamin B2 in the body that can help repair tissue wounds.

It also plays an important role in skin and hair production and health. It cannot be stored in the body itself, so it needs to be supplemented with food or nutritional supplements.

Source: Drink 250 ml of milk a day to help replenish. Plant foods such as mushrooms, fungus, peanuts, sesame, almonds, etc. are also rich in vitamin B2.

2, tasteless, taste weakened - lack of zinc

The recommended daily intake is about 5.5 to 9.5 mg for men and 4 to 7 mg for women. The body's lack of zinc immunity is reduced, loss of appetite, slowing of growth, hair loss, and deterioration of taste function.

Therefore, if you find that you often feel that there is no taste, and that there are symptoms such as slow wounds, you should be careful that it may be a sign of lack of zinc in the body.


3, stomach discomfort - lack of vitamin A

It is recommended to take 0.7 mg of vitamin A and 0.6 mg of female daily. Vitamin A is not only an important element in protecting the window of the soul, but also helps to form a protective film in the respiratory tract and the intestines to prevent bacteria or harmful substances from directly invading the body.

Therefore, vitamin A is insufficient, in addition to bad eyes, it will also invade the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract.

Source: Eat carrots every day, or eat 1 or 2 times a week. Animal liver is also a way to supplement vitamin A.


4, irritability, irritability - lack of iron

Iron deficiency will not only be anemia, but also may make you emotional and prone to temper. It is enough for men to take 8.7 mg per day and 14.8 mg of iron for women.

Iron is an important element to help the body to make red blood cells. For women who experience blood loss every month, iron is more important. Otherwise, it is easy to have symptoms such as poor mental condition and low mood.

Source: Red meat, eggs, nuts, dark green vegetables are all iron-rich foods, and remember to add more vitamin C to promote the absorption and utilization of iron.


5, ankle edema - lack of potassium

Potassium is an important element regulating the acid-base balance of blood and body fluids in the body, maintaining water balance and osmotic pressure stability in the body.

Long-term potassium deficiency can lead to irregular heart rhythm and abnormal nerve conduction. Like a lot of exercise, due to excessive water loss, potassium ions are easily cramped, and the body becomes swollen for a long time, especially at the ankle.

Source: After eating sports, bananas are supplemented with high amounts of potassium to prevent cramps. The amount of vegetables and fruits that can be eaten every day can also add enough potassium.


6, body pain - lack of vitamin D

People who are not getting enough sun or vitamin D deficiency are prone to chronic pain. Vitamin D is a nutrient that the body cannot synthesize on its own. Supplementation is more important. Vitamin D is also an important substance that promotes bone growth and tooth health.

Source: Eat 2 servings of oily fish such as squid, sardines, etc. every week, plus timely sun exposure to ensure adequate vitamin D in the body.


The role of various types of vitamins and food sources


  Vitamin A

Function: It is related to vision and can maintain the normal function of the mucous membrane and regulate the skin condition. Helping human growth and tissue repair is important for eye care. It protects against bacteria, protects epithelial tissues, and promotes bone and tooth development.

Deficiency: Night blindness, dry eyes, dry skin and itching.

Main food sources: carrots, green leafy vegetables, egg yolks and liver.


  Vitamin B1

Role: Strengthen the nervous system to ensure normal heart activity. Promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates, maintains nervous system health, stabilizes appetite, stimulates growth and maintains good muscle condition.

Lack of deficiency: low mood, stomach upset, numbness of hands and feet, beriberi.

Main food sources: Vitamin B1 is rich in sources such as whole grains, beans, peanuts, lean meat, animal offal and yeast.


Vitamin B2

Function: It is also called riboflavin, which participates in a wide range of metabolic processes in the body, maintains eyesight, prevents white sputum, and maintains the health of the oral and digestive tract mucosa. Promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and helps to form antibodies and red blood cells, maintaining cell respiration.

Deficiency: In the absence of it, there will be fire, angular keratitis, seborrheic dermatitis, etc. In severe cases, it may cause conjunctivitis, eyelid inflammation, corneal vascular hyperplasia, photophobia and other symptoms.

Main food sources: egg yolk, crab, squid, seaweed, etc.


   Vitamin B12

Role: This is a vitamin that is almost free of plant foods and is the vitamin that is most easily consumed by vegetarians.

Lack of deficiency: It is an indispensable element of red blood cell production. If it is severely deficient, it will lead to pernicious anemia.

Main food sources: It is mainly found in foods such as meat, milk and animal internal organs. The amount of vitamin B12 in the human body is extremely small, as long as the diet is normal, there will be no shortage.


  Vitamin C

Function: The most demanding vitamin in the human body has the effect of preventing and treating scurvy, so it is also called ascorbic acid. Its main function is to protect, regulate and promote the catalysis of the enzyme system. At the same time, it is also a strong antioxidant, which can prevent the peroxidation in the body and has a protective effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In addition, it also assists in the absorption of iron and calcium and the utilization of folic acid in the body, and also plays an important role in preventing atherosclerosis and lowering cholesterol.

Main food sources: Vitamin C is mainly found in fresh vegetables, fruits and other foods.


Vitamin D

Function: It can promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the diet and the calcification of bones. When it is lacking, it is easy to suffer from osteoporosis, osteomalacia and rickets.

Deficiency: Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets in children and rickets in adults. Symptoms include bone and joint pain, muscle atrophy, insomnia, tension, and diarrhea.

Main food sources: Vitamin D is mainly derived from cod liver oil, egg yolk, milk and so on. In particular, it should be pointed out that sufficient light can promote the body's absorption of vitamin D, which is the best "helper" to absorb vitamin D.


   Vitamin E

Role: Also known as tocopherol. It is a very strong antioxidant that inhibits the oxidation of fatty acids, reduces the formation of lipofuscin (commonly known as senile plaques), and protects cells from free radical damage, thus delaying aging.

Deficiency: When vitamin E is deficient, male testicular atrophy does not produce sperm, female embryo and placental atrophy cause abortion, hinder the pituitary gland to regulate ovarian secretion of estrogen and other induced climacteric syndrome, premature ovarian failure.

Main food sources: The main sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils and nut foods.


  Vitamin K

Role: Closely related to blood coagulation. It has the functions of preventing bleeding disorders in newborn babies, preventing internal bleeding and hemorrhoids, reducing massive bleeding during physiological periods, and promoting normal blood coagulation.

Deficiency: Lack of vitamin K can prolong clotting time and cause bleeding disorders.

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